Close the data gap in returns. SmarterX bridges data gaps in your return-to-vendor (RTV) and store operations. Our AI classification engine, smarter-1, delivers essential details—such as how to store, dispose of, or transport returned products—right when your store ops team needs them. This ensures that products, even those with minimal initial data, are handled correctly and efficiently, allowing retailers to recover fees from suppliers and streamline their RTV processes.
opportunity on recovery fees from vendor
Curious where these numbers came from? Click a case study card above to explore.
Reach out to Jenelle Kelly, who heads up our customer teams, to hear how we're helping top retailers expand their e-comm presence compliantly.
Each of our solutions is powered by an enhanced data enrichment process and our AI-powered classification engine, smarter-1. So, you can get started with as little as a barcode and product name and still get classifications back at 10x the speed. Explore the data and classifications behind the solutions below.
In Scope
State Waste
RCRA Waste
Sample datasets:
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